
I created this site as a way of showcasing my projects, or other general ideas. It’s a sort of engineering portfolio, if you will.

This site is built using the Hugo static site generator, with my fork of the Even theme. It is hosted on AWS. Deployment steps can be found in the site’s source code repository.


The icons at the bottom of each page on this site linking to my other sites such as social media pages, Git repositories1, and email provide methods of how to contact me.


The image below is my OpenPGP v4 key fingerprint QR-code. Feel free to scan it using the OpenKeychain app! Additionally, a link to a text file containing my full public key is attached.

OpenPGP v4 Fingerprint

70A4 AA02 555D BD55 9189 B4E0 F32B E05E ADAA 54FC2

Public Key


If you wish to support me, the best way to do so is using Cryptocurrencies, otherwise contact me via Email (below) if this is not suitable.

Wallet Code
Bitcoin bc1qhn007kthn868nwnf6c2k7x7zx0n9ejty4p2ff2
Ethereum 0x240Bb50Dd93F48597Fd2adF59577210D9AfcD2B2
LiteCoin ltc1qj6rscekh7gpagk52psmews5xrylr0625e4zktl
Monero 43rLamghQ4PEQjd79dU67C9hbzkgy4Rbd6YQgBgYY6tLHRuuuoXv9RsTNR4SqBnkaWCSj6N8LPwCMDHKeLRXiRgaRGD49rQ


I do not currently keep an up-to-date version of my resume. If you wish to contact me about positions, please do so via email or LinkedIn (see Contact above)

  1. I’m most active on GitHub ↩︎

  2. Read mode about OpenPGP Best Practices here ↩︎