STM32F0 with libopencm3 - Part 1: Simple Timer

After having reviewed Part 0 of this series, we can now explore controlling GPIO with the hardware timers! Other tutorials have used the Systick timer as a good introduction to adding a delay for blinking an LED. However, it is my belief that this leads to confusion for beginners and only opens the door to misunderstandings. That being said, we will be using timers and their associated GPIO ports with Alternate Function modes. ...

February 12, 2020 · 7 min · Bastian de Byl

STM32F0 with libopencm3 - Part 0: Simple GPIO

One of the simplest projects to get started with the STM32 microcontroller series: turn on the lights! ...

December 11, 2019 · 6 min · Bastian de Byl